Python Training
Python training can assist you build a desirable career. We’ve put efforts to produce the Python training in Ludhiana which is the reason why we have been ready to earn a decent name for ourselves within the market. We are an experienced Python training training in Ludhiana with a great deal of desire to ascertain our students doing great within the IT field. We have a number of the most experienced and knowledgeable trainers in Ludhiana, having great proficiency in theories and immense technical knowledge. And guess what, they train students by applying a student-centric approach to teaching. As a result, they need always been successful in ensuring satisfactory learning outcomes in trainees. Python is a programming language that interpreted, interactive, object- oriented and extended. Its philosophy of design emphasizes the readability of the code, and It’s programming structure allows programmers to precise concepts in fewer lines of code than in languages like C ++ or Java. Python supports many programming models, including object-oriented programming, deterministic programming, and functional or procedural methods. It contains dynamic system and automatic memory management and features a large standard library.
This Course includes the following Topic
Python Basics to DSA
Python Basics
Getting Started
- What is Python?
- Installing Python and setting up the environment.
- Running your first Python program.
Syntax and Fundamentals
- Variables and data types (int, float, str, bool).
- Python operators (arithmetic, comparison, logical, bitwise).
- Input and output (input(), print()).
Control Flow
- Conditional statements (if, elif, else).
- Loops:
- for loops.
- while loops.
- break, continue, and pass.
- Defining functions (def keyword).
- Parameters and return values.
- Default arguments and keyword arguments.
- Recursive functions.
Python Data Structures
- Built-in Data Structures
- Lists:
- Creation, indexing, slicing, and operations.
- List comprehensions.
- Tuples:
- Immutable sequences.
- Use cases.
- Dictionaries:
- Key-value pairs.
- Adding, updating, and deleting keys.
- Sets:
- Unique collections.
- Set operations (union, intersection, difference).
- Advanced Operations
- Iterating through data structures.
- Nested data structures (lists of lists, dictionaries of lists).
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
Introduction to Classes and Objects
- Defining classes.
- Creating and using objects.
- OOP Concepts
- Inheritance, polymorphism, and encapsulation.
- Special methods (__init__, __str__, __repr__).
- Python Algorithms
- Sorting
- Bubble Sort.
- Selection Sort.
- Insertion Sort.
- Searching
- Linear Search.
- Binary Search.
- Understanding Algorithm Complexity
- Big-O notation.
- Analyzing time and space complexity.
Python Libraries for DSA
- Important Libraries
- collections (Deque, defaultdict, Counter).
- heapq (priority queues).
- itertools (permutations, combinations).
- functools (memoization with lru_cache).
Advanced Data Structures
Linked List
Hash Table
Advanced Algorithms
Divide and Conquer
- Merge Sort.
- Quick Sort.
Dynamic Programming
- Greedy Algorithms
- Backtracking